Book 4 Progress
Plans have a way of changing. Several things have happened during February which has pushed the date for finishing Book 4 back to mid-March (16th March) as I originally intended.
- With a possible ‘bundle’ in the offering, I’ve spent some time working on a thorough edit of Nascent. I’d like to thank those who have sent in lists of typographical, grammatical and logic mistakes. I appreciate the feedback. If you wish to send them via email, then my contact address is
- I allowed myself to become distracted (sidetracked even) on several occasions with the backstories of ancillary characters. Even though I mention a character only once or twice, I’ve some ideas and notes on why I imagine they behave as they do. This time the thoughts became a short novella. I hope to have it ready for publishing soon after ‘Rescue’ comes out. Please let me know if there is a secondary character that you would be interested in reading about.
- Oscar Wilde theorised that ‘Life imitates art more than art imitates life’. Personally, I think literature, particularly in the West, is more a reflection or commentary of our reality (as per Auerbach) than its progenitor. All of which to preface that my ‘day’ job has been inundated this year with issues involving institutional poverty, access to services, abuse, and family trauma (even a situation involving gaming addiction). These situations have slowed my writing, both time-wise and because the real kept worming its way into the book in ways unintended; thus numerous rewrites. To help counter this, I’m taking a week of leave at the beginning of March to finish editing ‘Rescue’.
Finally, I’d like to thank those who have encouraged me to keep writing and for the suggestions on ways to keep people informed.